Monday, March 26, 2012

Share Your Gift...

Early on, my parents had a hunch I was a little artist.  They'd give me paper and crayons, and I'd just sit there and draw picture after picture...

My Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. White, saw artistic potential.  Soon classmates started taking notice.  By 3rd grade I had other kids wanting me to teach them how to draw.  I started to realize not everyone could take an image from their mind and express it on paper.  To many, I was definitely known as, "the girl who can draw."  

Years later, when I was a young teenager, my pastor prayed over me.  She said someday my art would touch "many" people's lives.  She believed that somehow, God would use my talents for His good... on a grand scale.  At the time, I wondered how that could ever be possible ~ as my mind wandered to thoughts of sketches in school notebooks...

The last time I thought I might get recognition for my art was when I was voted, "Most Artistic" senior year.  I went to college for nursing, became a wife and mother, and... an artist on the side.

Last year, my sister-in-law introduced me to blogging.  At first I thought I wouldn't be able to figure it out... it was a little intimidating, honestly.  Instead of brushing it off completely, I let it simmer for a few months.  I let go of trying to come up with a clever name... of trying to figure out what I'd even write about.  I said out loud, "God, if I'm supposed to do this blogging thing, then please just let me know."

Not long after, I got my answer.  I literally sat straight up in bed one morning with 'Lilac & Lavender' in my head.  My first post was published on March 26th, 2011: A Season of New Beginnings.  After that I shared my thoughts on God in everyday life, motherhood, gardening, decorating, and eventually I started sharing my art.

At first, I posted a few of my watercolors and sketches... and somehow figured out how to make a "printable."  After that I began to look in to what others were making in the digital art world.  I've always loved the look of vintage graphics and ephemera... and upon discovering many free graphics sites, I began to create...

I'm so grateful I took that first step into the blogging unknown.  I've met some truly beautiful people, and even figured out a little about myself.  Now, I can't help but think back to my pastor's prayer when I see how my art is being shared with people... all over the world.

I'm so grateful for everyone who stops by... whether it's to read about what's on my mind, or see the art I've created.  Just know that nothing I offer here is simply from little old me.  I owe my life and every inspiration to someone much greater than myself... and by His grace, I share with you.


  1. Megan! thank you for sharing your wonderful art and amazing talent with all of us! our lives are brighter because of you!! our art is made more special because of your gift!
    XOXO Karla

  2. Thankyou for reminding of this scripture. I enjoy your blog very much, and all those gorgeous tags and images I love them very much, havn't made anything fromt them yet, but I will. I have been blogging for about 2 years now and love it. It certainly has opened many doors to creativity and many ideas that spark something else.... Thanks again for sharing your gift. Blessings Hilde

  3. I echo that last part...Megan, the beauty you possess through Him indeed is wonderfully reflected here...I'm so glad we met. May God continue to inspire and bless you as you bless others:)
    Happy blogger-anniversary:)

  4. I truly love the art that you share on here. it's beautiful and you're so very talented!

  5. That is so true. I've enjoyed getting to know you a little through your blog ,I'm reminded of a comment you made when I was considering one,you said "it's another way to see God working in your life." Thanks Megan for using your gifts ; wishing you another great year!

  6. Congrats on your one year blog anniversary. Thank you for sharing all your beautiful art with us and all your inspiration too. God Bless you.

  7. Thanks so much for your post today. Just found your blog for the first time. What a gift you have. Beautiful!
    God works in such wonderful ways. I really needed to hear that verse today. I have been having a personal struggle with the time that I want to devote to my creative side and the time that all the day to day "stuff" life throws at me. Almost to the point of just giving up. Thanks for the encouragement.

    Being new, I'm having trouble downloading your images. The computer stuff is sometimes just over my head. Can you help? Sorry to bother you on something that should be simple.

    Thanks again and I will be back often.

    1. Hello Melissa ~ I am so happy you stopped by today :) God does work in wonderful ways! I love that we all have such personal gifts... we're all unique compositions, fashioned by The Creator.

      There is a post I wrote awhile back where I showed my sketch of daffodils ~ done in ink, on the back of my "to-do" list. That was probably the most creative thing I did that day... but it still counted :)

      As for downloading the images, this is how I do it... let me know if you have any trouble :)

      Left-click on the image. A black screen will come up... now right-click, and select 'View Image' to see full size. Right-click again, and select 'Save Image As.'

      I save all my graphics to the same folder & open them with a program called GIMP, but you could also open them with Microsoft Word.

      Hope you have a great day :)

  8. always a pleasure to stop by here Megan!

    1. Thanks Christine ~ same with your blog ~ always something interesting to see or read :)

  9. I was influenced so much by my teachers over the years...especially for my love of reading. Blogging makes such a difference in our lives. I'm having a 'sweetness' giveaway that I know you will love! Stop by when you can!

  10. Zum 1-jährigen Bestehen dieses wunderbaren Blogs meine herzlichen Glückwünsche, liebe Megan. Es ist so schön, dass es Dich und deine Kunst gibt und ich schätze mich sehr glücklich, vor einigen Tagen deinen Blog entdeckt zu haben. Du machst damit mein Leben schöner und machst mich gleichzeitig neugierig auf jeden neuen Tag.
    Einen wunderbaren Tag und eine lange Umarmung,

  11. I love your beautiful blog! Thanks for sharing your talents! :)

  12. Durch eine liebe Freundin (Bärbel) habe ich deinen schönen Blog entdeckt.
    Ich bin total begeistert und freu mich sehr, hier sein zu dürfen.
    Noch nie habe ich so wunderschöne nostalgische Bilder gesehen.
    Vielen, vielen Dank.
    Liebe Grüße von Sophie

  13. Happy Blog anniversary! Your talent and especially your generosity is truly appreciated! Thanks for the most wonderful tags/images you share with us for free, not many would do that considering the time involved in creating them.

  14. Lovely, you were encouraged as a child to pursue your gift. Thank you for sharing it in such a beautiful way. God is good! I like the quote by Erma Bombeck, "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave me". Love the verse you used here. ~ Abby


“Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.”

~ Mother Teresa