Saturday, December 14, 2019

Gift Idea ~ Booth Owner

These are my thoughts as I'm sitting here, cutting cardstock into tags for part of my dad's Christmas gift. My dad has a booth at a local antique mall. He enjoys hunting for good finds, the challenge of rebuilding and repurposing. He even enjoys loading up his truck to restock.

Least favorite part... pricing. Mom tells me they're always buying pre-made tags for $1, and are low on other materials like twine and string. So, I know dad loves his booth. He loves thrifting, and being thrifty. Just doesn't like making tags. Perfect, cause I can do that!

Ok, making a bunch of tags. What else?

After looking around in my own resale stash, I found a wooden carrier (well, a small shelf turned on it's side). Filled it with small metal buckets, and a tall metal box w/lid. They all fit!

Realistically, I know my practical, yet creative dad will sell or repurpose what I give him instead of keeping it to use for organization. It's great knowing he finds joy in painting or rebuilding, etc. so I just see this as part of the gift.

I'm also a booth owner. This is a short list of my commonly needed items, as well as a few things I'll add to personalize. His favorite color is green, so that may also become part of the theme:

~ bundles of similar sized tags (sm, med, lg, extra lg)
~ twine, crochet thread
~ fine black markers/pens
~ double-sided tape
~ paint brushes
~ scissors
~ safety pins
~ favorite snacks

~ cash for thrifting

There are so many ways to give! I hope you make or find just the right things for everyone on your heart this Christmas season!


  1. Distressed wooden background:

    Background texture:

    White flower/hydrangea:

    French corner ornament:

    Photograph of girl:

    Fonts used: Special Elite, Scriptina Pro

  2. Love this post! I admire booth owners.

  3. That sounds like a perfect gift. It's useful and very thoughtful.

    1. Thank you Diane, it's definitely the perfect gift for him!

  4. Your gift idea by M. Berry is a great way to look at gifting for any time of the year. I absolute love that little girl. And your quote from Mother Teresa is something we all need to practice. Your post today was the perfect way to start the week. I love your gift idea for your dad, you know him so well. Blessings to you and yours this holiday season and throughout the New Year.

    1. Thank you Susie. I agree... the quote at the top is definitely a way to think about giving to others year-round. The little girl actually reminds me of my niece :) I appreciate all who leave a comment here, and even years later, I've come back to re-read messages. It seems what we say, type, etc. does echo on. I'd say I've come to know my dad better through the years, and I'm grateful we're close! Thank you for the holiday well-wishes, and same to you!

  5. Booth owner here too! I thought you were going to say pricING...which is my MOST difficult struggle, even beyong making my own tags! Lol! I found that buying bulk paper hang tags to be cheapest with the least amount of work. Ive tried tag shape punches & using cardstock (usually in a light brown), Ive tried printing designs onto cardstock & cutting, Ive also tried using scrapbook paper with a design on it...all too time consuming or expensive. So now I buy hang tags in bulk, they come already in the shape I need & has the string already attached. Ill work in bulks to coffee stain them, throw them on cookie sheets & drying in the oven (on LOWEST setting, checking every 10min) or the microwave (checking every minute or 3 depending in how wet they still are)....then when its change of season, Ill grab a stack & using rubber stamps & ink will stamp for whatever season! During Christmas another cute idea I do is use Christmas cards & a tag shaped punch! Great way to recycle those Christmas cards, esp if you have a child in school still!

    1. Hello! I don't enjoy pricing either. Always second-guessing myself. Making tags isn't hard, just takes time - and when I have time I usually don't think of making them, haha! Dad likes having them ready to go, with string. I like adding the string myself, to get the right length/color/thickness of thread. I like your coffee stain method, and stamping is a great suggestion! There's a vendor at our antique mall that uses stamps and I love how they look. I've often thought about buying a tag shaped punch but haven't yet. Great suggestion to use Christmas cards - old postcards could be nice also!

      Another thing I like to do is buy sticker labels from Hobby Lobby's wedding section, when they're on sale. They come in chalkboard, or white with either gold or silver borders. I use them for pricing and also on Christmas gifts.


“Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.”

~ Mother Teresa