Thursday, February 2, 2012

Simple Things

If you think the simple things
in life are truly the best, then you'll
love my list for the day:

1. Both children woke up happy and smiling. 

2. We sang our 'Good Morning' song to each other.

3. The 3 of us prayed, and my son Zachary asked to pray for his sister Olivia.

4. He held Olivia's hand to help her on to the bus... so sweet.

5. I walked out to the mailbox and back, holding hands with my little guy.

6. We made shells and cheese together... he even got the bowls and served me.

7. We folded towels... he was so proud to help put them away.

8. I closed my eyes and sat for awhile in the sunshine.

9. Zach wanted to make cookies, so we did.

10. When I caught you-know-who sneaking an extra cookie,
he replied, "I'm just cooling it off with my tongue..."

It's almost time to go pick up my daughter
from school.  I'm sure there will be plenty more 
simple things to enjoy before the day is done.

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but their echoes are truly endless.”

~ Mother Teresa