Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Vintage Strawberry Tags

"Note on Kitchen Table"

I will be back soon to bake some bread,
But now I'm picking wild berries instead,
Out in the meadows, under the sun.
I know I'm leaving my work undone,
But the wind was soft on summer grass;
The trees stood up tall for me to pass;
And the blue sky smiled and bent down low.
So what could I do but laugh and go?
~ Mary Martin Palma ~

"Wild Strawberries"

Heavy the air with a fragrance rare,
Strawberries ripe in the meadow,
Luscious & red where the vines are spread
Thickly in sun and shadow.

Jean Blewett ~

Here are the free graphics
& sources used in my artwork:

*Vintage Images*

*Lilac & Lavender*
Vintage recipe card

Hope you enjoy these cute
Vintage Strawberry Tags!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Makes me want to start another strawberry patch this year. Beautiful.♥♫

  2. These are so lovely. I read the poems aloud to my's felt like summer time here today! Thanks!

  3. AnonymousMay 16, 2013

    Thank you love Christine in Italy xx

  4. Muchísimas gracias. Me encanta todo lo que nos ofreces. Un abrazo.

  5. Thank you so much :-)

  6. So beautiful the images and the designs! Thanks a lot!

  7. I just found you through Pinterest and I am jumping up and down excited. Your work is beautiful. I printed several sets of tags to use to wrap trims around for a supply swap I am sending off tomorrow. They will make the package oh so beautiful! Thank YOU so much!

  8. AnonymousMay 30, 2013

    Awesome, thanks so much!!! Kristine :)

  9. These are so beautiful as well as the poetry. For me in Michigan, the berries will be here at the end of June beginning of July. They are heaven on earth. Thank you

  10. Che immagini delicatissime... complimenti per il tuo blog. Ti seguo. Rosalba

  11. That's look like poetic verse .Strawberry always my choiceful Fruits.

  12. Tu blog es precioso!
    Gracias por compartirlo!
    Un abrazo

  13. lovely poem and wonderful strawberry tribute!

  14. I just found you through Pinterest - you have a lovely collection of resouces for us - and so very generous in allowing them to be used in our own work. Thank you so much for this - I love vintage images. J x

  15. AnonymousJuly 02, 2013

    Oh My Gosh - it's been ages since we heard from you! Praying all is well - let us know what you're up to!

    Mis you & your digital talent.

    D :)

    1. Hello, Diane!

      Thank you for taking time to ask! All is well :) I've just taken an impromptu break, but I will be back soon... I promise! In the meantime.... I've been sharing quotes, poetry, and verses combined with beautiful artwork on Lilac & Lavender's facebook page:

  16. AnonymousJuly 13, 2013

    TY TY!! I am not usually on FB, but everyone has a page & freebies on them. So I made an account. Thanks for the address - I would never have found you otherwise. am FB challenged! LOL

  17. Love these! and Thank you!


“Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.”

~ Mother Teresa