Saturday, January 14, 2012

Spring Dreaming

I know, I know, it's January... and there are a few more months until Spring sets in... but I can't help but start dreaming about the lovely flowers waiting for me out in my gardens.  This is when I get out a journal and start jotting down ideas... new flowers to try here, another flowerbed there... what worked last year, and what didn't.

This past spring, summer, and fall I took photos of my flowers... for the first time, really.  It's amazing how quickly blooms fade... it's so easy to take them for granted.  I knew there would come a day... sometime in winter... when I would need to see my garden in bloom.  If for nothing more than just to see a little golden sunshine and color.

Here are a few shots from my gardens last year... Enjoy, and happy Spring dreaming!

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but their echoes are truly endless.”

~ Mother Teresa