
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

An Amazing Place

This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
~ Psalm 118:24 ~

Recently, with all the beautiful weather, I've been spending more time outside.  Sunday afternoon was no exception.  I asked my husband to lend a hand to clear out some weeds from a front flower bed.  After he'd made his much appreciated contribution of large-scale shoveling and pulling, he left me to the fine-tuning.

As I sat there at the edge, my thoughts were as busy as my hands.  I began thinking about my sister-in-law and her newborn son.  It brought back memories from when my children were babies... of course, there were the sleepless nights and times of worry, but oh so much laughter and many, many tender, sweet moments.

I felt a twinge of longing for those days, and a bit of sadness that my children were out of that stage... and then my little boy of 5 years bounded over from the backyard.  He didn't say much, just plopped down next to me.  It was like he knew I needed his company.  After catching his breath, he asked what I was doing and if he could help.  "Of course!"  With that, he brought my focus back to the present.

"Children have neither past nor future;
they enjoy the present, which very few of us do."
~ Jean de la Bruyere ~

He grabbed Daddy's shovel and was able to get some dirt turned over here and there.  Then he looked for worms.  Soon, he was just there, sitting next to me.  Out of the silence, I heard, "Mom, I like being with you."  I looked up at him and asked, "Why?"  With his pretty green eyes linked directly to mine, he said, "Because... you're so Mom-like."  Then he smiled and went back to his dirt.

If I ever needed to hear those words, it was in those moments.  God knew what was on my heart, and sent a sweet messenger to remind me of a few things.  Yes, I've raised my 'babies' but they're still my little ones... they'll grow in to bigger children, but they'll always be mine, and I'll always be "Mom."

There are still the occasional sleepless nights and times of worry... they will exist, as long as my children and I are together on this earth... but for all that, there's still so much laughter and many, many tender, sweet moments yet to be...  We've come through much to end up where we are... and right now, the present is an amazing place to be.

"Rejoice in the things that are present;
all else is beyond thee."
~ Montaigne ~


  1. The present truly is an amazing place to be...beautiful post my friend.

  2. Oh Megan, this is touching. This is something I can relate to immensely,because for some reason ( I guess because I'm such a sentimental person) I never want my kids to leave the stage they're in.When my youngest was about five I went through a huge sort of grieving about it almost.Since then I've had bouts... but somehow God has shown me just how wonderful every stage can be!!Thanks for sharing from your heart,it always helps to know I'm not the only one feeling this way!!Blessings to you and your dear sister in law!!

    1. Thank you Lucy :) There are things I definitely have wanted my kids to "grow out of"... on the other hand, there are days I wish they wouldn't really "grow up" and could stay little ones forever :) It's good to hear that you've felt like this as well ~ My mom said she used to feel this way also ~ so we're not alone :)

      Yes, I'm so happy my little nephew is here! Mom and baby are both doing well :) Haven't been able to see them yet, as they live about 3 hours away, but very soon I hope!

  3. Thank-you for sharing. I need to be reminded of this even though my head knows it, the heart can be tempted to pine:) A mom watched our family pose for a directory picture on Sunday and as i passed her she said' enjoy the times that your whole family is here to be on the picture'. Ah, yes, some day I most likely will be tempted to pine for the 'now' I am in so...Oh God, teach us how to live fully in the present'. Of course you know I love the quotes you chose!
    ...and congrats to being an aunt! I have not been on the computer so much due to 'mom'ing' and gardening etc... I was glad to see all went well!

    1. Thank you Janet ~ What a moment that must've been as she said that about your family photo... Comments like that really make you think, don't they? I also agree that my head knows it, but my heart needs little reminders :)

      Thank you! I'm very happy everything turned out alright, and baby and mom are both doing great! Can't wait to see him (they live 3 hours away) but soon, I hope! Oh, and that makes two of us who haven't been on the computer as much ~ for the same reasons :)

  4. This is a beautiful post, you have made me cry. I understand completely those moments when I am feeling those emotions, and then my son comes up and says, I love you. God knows what we need. I hope you have a beautiful Mother's Day. God bless and hugs.

    1. Thank you Rea ~ I've come back to read it back, and made myself teary eyed, and my mother as well... so you're not alone... God is amazing to send us just what we need, isn't He? I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day as well :)

  5. Have a nice day, Megan, beautiful post!

    1. Thank you so much Christine :) Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day!

  6. Such a beautiful post, Megan!

    1. Thank you so much Kathy! Have a great day & happy Mother's Day as well :)

  7. What a lovely story. I was married 9 years before having my duaghter. I knew that a lot of people mourn the time when their children were babies. I told myself to just each moment as it comes. My daughter is 14 and now we share moments that aren't as sweet as when she was younger but we are still close.

  8. Thank you Megan, your post was very moving! As a stay at home dad I can relate to this very much. Before leaving school administration and teaching, my life was a blur, but now I hold these precious moments with each of my children as sacred and very special. Once again, thank you! This post is to the very heart of being a mom. Have a wonderful week ahead my friend! August

  9. I hope you will understand my English :-) I'm new visitor on your blog and I'm really impressed, you are very talented person. And its's not just because of your graphics, your writing is really nice to read. I,ve got five year old son and the same worries, he's growing up so fast and I'm afraid that the day, when he will be grown up will come faster than I expect. Best regards from Poland. Ania


“Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.”

~ Mother Teresa